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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Selinda's 2 yr bday Sat.8.22.09

Yep, in spite of the heat Saturday - She enjoyed the day with loved ones -She is so adorable! Here are a few pics~

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Shoreline East Ministry Sat 8.8.09

Shoreline East is an outreach ministry to the homeless and broken hearted of East Austin. Every Saturday @ Emmanuel Methodist Church East 2nd street and I-35 from 1- 230pm, volunteers meet at 1230pm -

There was Worship, Prayer requests, Volunteers served water, tea, and food to the homeless + Clothes were distributed + there was enough. What an amazing experience + yep, it was hot. Here are some images from my point + shoot camera.

Friday, August 7, 2009

THD crush team Thurs 8.6.09

THD team played yesterday @ 6:30pm @ Bob Havins Field #4 and what a game to have seen, inspite of the lost, 20 to 19. Enjoy the slideshow!

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Austin, Texas, USA, United States

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